Guess where we are moving to... CALIFORNIA! Not only are we moving to California, but we are moving to where Chase grew up....Brea. Chase's sister Tristan is excited because she will finally have family close, but all the Utah family members will be sad because Quin is leaving. We are pretty excited and it will be a good experience.
After 2 months of a very intense job search Chase has finally accepted a job with Avery Dennison. We are bolth way excited and being the Office fan that I am, I would like to think Avery Dennison as the real life version of the Office (Avery Dennison is a paper and office supply company). Even though Chase has accepted a job, we're not sure of where we will be living. Hopefully we will find out by the end of the month.
I don't know what it is about cute babies and nicknames, but Chase and I get pretty carried away with nicknames for Quin, here are some of our favorites: Q Stinker Bug Baby Quin Chickapee Agent 16 (we just watched Get Smart) Fuss a Bucket
Quin rolled over today!!!! We put him on the floor on his stomach and turned away from him. When we looked back at him he was on his back. We totally missed it, but he really did roll over. I can't believe how big he is getting!!!
Already 3 months old and getting soooo big, he definitely is getting his own personality. He loves to play and talk with you and he sure does have the cutest smile.
It's official my laptop has died. I knew it was coming and I really don't care, except for all my pictures are on that computer. Well, hopefully we can bring it back to life and get my pics. I guess I need to start printing my pictures. Too bad I had to learn it the hard way.
Well, I decided to try to do a new blog. Hopefully I can keep up with it this time.....having a baby kinda threw me off. Anyways, there are a couple of new things to get caught up on.
First of all, Quin was the cutest pumpkin for Halloween. We enjoyed taking him to the pumpkin patch, eating Grandma's chilli, and showing him off to the Grandparents.
Quinton was blessed on October 12th. Chase's biggest fear was that Quin would cry through the whole blessing, so we tried to plan it just right so he would sleep through the blessing. Well, he didn't sleep but was wide awake sucking on his pacifire. He sure was cute in his Sunday best.
Chase has spent all of October interviewing with a lot of different companies. Right now we could end up in Kansas, Ohio, California, or Arizona. Chase just needs to make a decision.